For more than 50 years, Lang Financial Group has helped thousands of companies and individuals find the right mix of benefits to meet their needs and budget. We offer a wide range of carriers and benefits. That independence allows us to customize your plan, so you can reach your goals as efficiently and effectively as possible.
President of Lang Financial Group
We make benefits easier for you and your employees. From education to benefit selection to funding alternatives, we provide all of the information you and your employees need to make confident benefit decisions.
In order to ensure satisfactory coverage, it is imperative to have an industry expert to guide you through the complicated and often overwhelming marketplace.
At Lang Financial Group, we understand the everyday health concerns facing you and your employees. With increasing employer concern about rising healthcare costs and the epidemic of lifestyle related diseases, worksite health and wellness programs through LFG may be the solution.
Local Cincy Representatives
The benefits landscape changes often. When it does, your Lang Financial consultant will be there to guide you through the changes and help you determine what adjustments you may need for your plan.
Better Solutions For You
At Lang Financial Group, we’re powered by our incredible people. Our dedicated team of more than 50 experienced consultants is fully committed to designing the best benefits solution tailored specifically for you.
Let’s Start a Conversation
Managing your benefits plan doesn't need to be overwhelming. With the right partner, the process becomes simple. Reach out today to start the conversation—we're here to help solve your benefits challenges with tailored solutions.
Steve McAbee
Mike Roehm
Vice President