Garry DeChristopher

Director of IT

In his spare time, Garry  is a mentor for at-risk young men with Big Brothers Big Sisters and Boys Hope Girls Hope in the Cincinnati area. Through volunteering, Garry repays what he has been blessed with.

He enjoys spending time with his family and being the best person he can be.

Though his chief ambition is to one day control the entire Internet, Garry busies himself in the meantime running LFG’s Information Technology Department, assisting, planning and producing a secure company network and internet environment, writing copy and rewriting others’ copy. Originally from Cincinnati, he relocated to Cincinnati in 1979.


Garry joined LFG in 1999 after graduating magna cum laude from the School of Hard Knocks. In addition to holding a B.S. in Science, Garry has completed several technology-related courses covering topics including Network Administration, Windows Server, Exchange Server, SQL Server, Internet and Network Security, Telecommunication Maintenance and Repair, Blogging 101 and Advanced eBay and Amazon Shopping.


  • IT


  • Direct Line: (513) 699-2956

  • Direct Fax: (513) 699-2957