Jake Roehm
Jake Roehm
Employee Benefits Specialist
- Direct Line: (513) 699-2982
- Direct Fax: (513) 699-2983
- Employee Benefits
Professional Services
Specializing in:
- Employee Benefits
- ACA Compliance
- Benefit Administration Technology
- Health Plan Funding Strategies
- Fully-Insured
- Level-Funded
- Self-Funded
- Reference-Based-Pricing
- Ancillary Coverages
- Health and Accident License
- Group Benefits Disability Specialist
- Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from the University of Cincinnati
Jake started with Lang Financial Group in 2016. He was born and raised in Cincinnati and lives in West Chester with his wife Katelyn and their 3 dogs; Raylan, Scout and Connon. He graduated from William Mason High School in 2012 and from the University of Cincinnati, Lindner College of Business in June of 2016. Jake is interested in anything outdoors and loves all things Cincinnati, including the Bengals (Who-Dey), Reds, Bearcats and local restaurants and breweries.